KRIYA Institute is pleased to be partnered with PeerPoint Medical Education to offer CME for clinicians who attended KRIYA Conference. CME can be converted into CEU if needed; please refer to your state licensing board for forms and instructions. CME certificates will be available online approximately 10 days after KRIYA Conference. Please follow the instructions below.
1. Complete the participant survey before Nov 18.
2. Your conference attendance and survey completion will be verified by KRIYA Institute. This process take around 10 days.
2. Beginning on Nov 21, you can print your CME certificate from the PeerPoint website, provided that your survey has been received:
– Go to
– For EMAIL, use the email address that you used to register for KRIYA Conference.
– For PASSWORD, use your first name. It is case sensitive.
– On the next screen, click on COMPLETE TESTS AND SURVEYS.
– Click on KRIYA CONFERENCE 2019.
– Complete the PeerPoint survey and click on SAVE.
– On the next screen, on the right side, click on ASSIGN CREDIT HOURS.
– Indicate the number of hours that you attended KRIYA Conference. Maximum number of hours is 14. Click on SAVE CREDIT HOURS.
– Click on VIEW/PRINT.
– You will need to save this file on your device, or send it to your printer.
3. If your insurance carrier requests a Certificate of Completion, please send an email to Peter at